Virtual CRO

  • Would your recruiting team benefit from additional leadership and coaching? Growth Suite leaders are both tenured NM CRO’s who have built and led teams to win across the country. We partner with you to create a strong recruiting strategy and get the most out of your team.

    • Selection Process audit, implementation, and maintenance

    • Leader team strategy, analytics, recommendations

    • Recruiting team leadership

    • Individual Recruiter coaching and access to our team

    • Monthly Recruiter Builder

FR Candidate Sourcing and Selection

  • Our recruiters can help you hit your Financial Representative contract goal by sourcing, interviewing, and selecting candidates. We use an Ideal Candidate Profile and hardwiring assessment to determine if a candidate is a fit for the NM FR opportunity. We primarily source from online databases, outreach, and job postings sites. We can also serve as an out-of-house, in-house team if needed.

    1. Source and Screening- source candidate from online sources

    2. Initial Interview- includes factfinder, informational slide deck, and hardwiring debrief

    3. Curation- using ICP, select candidates to present

    4. Submission- candidate is ready for in-depth interview

Associate Placement

  • We know that your practice has unique needs and can partner with you to support your growth and hiring needs that will elevate your business. Growth Suite offers customized, full cycle recruiting. Our consultants work with you from sourcing to accepted offer to find you the right person to hire.

    1. Sourcing- our consultants will work with you to develop a profile for your ideal candidate. Prospective candidates are sourced using a variety of strategies.

    2. Screening and Assessment- Screening is conducted via phone or email. A preliminary assessment is sent to prospective candidates.

    3. Initial Interview- An initial interview is conducted with a Growth Suite Recruiter using customized interview guide.

    4. Curation- Resume and interview notes are reviewed. Each candidate’s characteristics are compared to your ideal candidate profile.

    5. Submission- We submit notes, resume, initial assessment, and contact info of curated candidates for your review.

    6. Next Steps- You schedule remaining interviews with quality candidates and select the one to hire.

Recruiter Hiring and Training

  • If you have recently experienced turnover or are growing your recruiting team, we can take the lift on sourcing, screening, and finding you your new recruiter.

  • Using a blended process of virtual one-on-one meetings, recorded sessions, online training, assigned reading, homework and role play, your new recruiter will receive both broad and specific training for their new career. We incorporate NM and Network/District specific systems and process’, the overall goal is for new recruiters to step out of training with strong ability and confidence in their new career. Immediately able to utilize the tools, skills, behaviors, and tactics to make an impact in their new role.

GDD / MD Accelerator

  • The GDD and Recruiting Accelerator program is designed to help NM office or unit leaders improve their recruiting strategy and achieve better results. Participants will walk away with actual tools and language to make an immediate impact on referrals and recruiting.

  • The program lasts 4 weeks and consists of 4 courses. Each week we will meet for one hour for a training session and skill building exercises. We offer both individual and group rates.

  • Check back soon for new dates!